Monday, February 2, 2009

back then in Secondary School . .

From Sec 1 in 2001

(look at the photo on the left. click on it and look at the front row, 4th from the left.
he is the most notorious boy on EARTH! look at his fingers! lol
he got detention right after Mr DICKson saw it.! yes, Mr. DICKson.)

to Sec 4 in 2004.

i found this in my Certificates file.
i'm finding my primary school photos!
my goodness.!

you'll see me fat and chubby back then in primary school.
you might wanna pinch my cheek hahaha!
because i'm too ADORABLE! aaawwww.. hahahaa!

ok i was just joking! hahaha!
soon i've found them, i'll upload them!

i missed this alot!
missed the "KECOH-RABLE" people in my former class!
hahaha! CHALO people!

Signing out . .