Thursday, April 9, 2009

i'm giving it a SILENT.

i can't handle it no more.
been trying to make me feel good whenever we talk/chat.
but whenever we're online, it never seems to be that way.
rather running away or giving reasons for not meeting me or to chat with me.
i've no idea. maybe it's just me.

just maybe..

whatever it is, i can't handle it.
not gonna lose it but i'm trying to be as attitude as her.
i'm gonna give her the SILENT me.
which will never gonna contact her for today and tomorrow.
a date with her on Friday still consider.
no news, no date.

i still can't understand what she really wants.
what she really need. i'm quite lost right now.
feel like i'm losing her.

no i'm not gonna do that.
maybe it's my feelings.
maybe all this wasn't meant to be what i've thought all this while.
maybe.. just maybe..

signing out . .