Thursday, September 11, 2008

problem lies with you . .

theres a problem lies with you.
you expect things to go as per normal.
but you were the one who comes in and out,
thinking that maybe, well MAYBE i'm your spare or something.
heh, i wouldn't know. nobody would.

everytime you came back,
whether in days/weeks/months/years i don't know.
and everytime you came back,
you've been asking me loads of question.
and everytime i did answer you all that,
you kept quiet all the way.
for days/weeks/months/years.

why do you have to do that?
why couldn't you accept all fact?
i appreciate all the moments we spent day and night before.
No, no. the love doesn't appear to be in our relationship.
and no, no. the dear doesn't also appear to be in it too.
