Friday, September 19, 2008

stil awake . .

my goodness, still awake.
i can't sleep. haha! what's wrong with me?

i just can't wait for band tomorrow.
gonna try out Canadian Brass with Kai, Fahmi, Padi and Gabriel(if he comes).
heh heh. i just can't wait.
its gonna be great. heh!

ouh yah brassmen,
i've decided to have 5 players for Canadian Brass Ensemble.
1 tuba, 1 Trombone, 1 Horn and 2 Trumpets.
just the same as Canadian Brass.
yes we're copying them. BUT! theres a reason.
they want us to perform and record it.
post it in youtube under Canadian Brass Group.
then we will be the first Singapore Quintet in that CB Group. heh!

the group link:

as for the Stars and Stripes Forever.
everyone will be part of it, you Brassmen.
yes. hope we got the approval from Mr Eric ay?
heh heh.

nevermind about the one in spanish.
figure it out yourself. heh.
signing out . .